Christmas Shopping Spree
Each year during the Christmas Holiday our council raises funds to take needy children Christmas shopping. Each child is given an amount of funds to purchase gifts for their family and friends. The children go to the local Walmart store to purchase their gifts and then return to our hall to wrap the gifts and have some holiday treats.
Youth Athletic Contests
Our council hosts two community wide youth athletic contests – a soccer goal challenge in September or October and then in January we host a basketball free throw contest. The winners advance to district and state level competitions. Trophies and awards are distributed to the winners.

Highway Cleanup
In an effort to do our part to keep our community clean, our council picks up trash along a two mile stretch of Illinois Route 143 three times a year.
Coats for Kids
Each year as the cold weather approaches our members donate funds to purchase warm winter coats for the needy children of our community. These coasts are donated to the local Head Start program for distribution to children they have identified as in need.